1633 Waverly Road | Pawleys Island, SC 29585

(843) 237-3428


Precious Blood

Pawleys Island

Between the Masses


YOU are invited to join us from 9:10 to 10:10 (when Religious Ed is meeting) in the gym for coffee, socializing, and discussion about topics that affect our family and church life. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Contact: Russ & Jen Bodie, bodie@sc.rr.com, 843-251-2510.

So Do you have areas you are searching for a greater understanding of in society and in your walk in the Faith? Check out the Lighthouse CD kiosk in the back of the church and buy some relevant and timely topics! Challenge yourself to a greater understanding and we are sure your walk with our Lord will be enriched greatly! CDs are just $3.