Liturgical Ministries and Schedule

One of the best ways to become a part of Precious Blood is to get involved with one of our ministries! There’s something for everyone, including opportunities for both adults and youth to strengthen their faith, to connect with others in activities, and to be cared for during challenging times in our lives.

See our Liturgical Ministries Schedule here.

The Liturgical Ministry is composed of nine ministries, whose overall purpose is to enrich our Parish Celebrations of Faith and offer programs which will encourage a more active parishioner participation in our liturgical Services. We plan and coordinate each liturgical celebration including prayer, liturgy, music, decorations, and support by these ministries. The ministries are:

  • Altar Guild: Coordinate the sewing, cleaning, and pressing of all the altar linens and vestments.
  • Altar Servers: Adult and Youth who assist the priest during Mass and other Liturgical celebrations.
  • Choir: Cantors, Adult Choir, Children’s Choir who enhance Liturgical celebrations through music.
  • Decorations Committee: Responsible for coordinating flowers and decorations to create a reverent and welcoming environment for meaningful worship.
  • Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Assist the Priest with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass.
  • Ministers of Care: Who distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the homebound and the Hospitalized.
  • Lectors: Assist the Priest as ministers of the word.
  • Sacristans: Oversee all the other ministries, during the Mass.
  • Ushers: Will greet parishioners and guest as they enter the church, distribute bulletins, assist with seating, take up offertory gifts and maintain order.

There are over three hundred parishioners who actively participate in this support role. You are invited to join us in any of the above ministries; it will be a rewarding experience and can renew the excitement of your participation in the liturgy. If you have any questions please call the Parish Office at (843) 237-3428.

Ministry Chairpersons

Liturgical Ministries
Ellen Sullivan –

Altar Server (Youth & Adult)
Deb Melloni & Trent Batram –

Cantors, Keyboard, Instrumentalist
Andre Rakus –

Extraordinary Minister
Debbie Voltaire – & Kathleen Welde – & Michael Pannucci –

Joanne Laudicina –

Ministers of Care
Linda Petrocco – & Debbie Voltaire –

Michael Pannucci – & Ellen Sullivan –

Carol Jacobs –