One of the best ways to become a part of Precious Blood is to get involved with one of our ministries! There’s something for everyone, including opportunities for both adults and youth to strengthen their faith, to connect with others in activities, and to be cared for during challenging times in our lives.
The Outreach Ministries at Precious Blood of Christ parish include fifteen ministries whose social mission is characterized by a love for the poor and vulnerable, ensuring that people have the basic human necessities of life. We are called to continue Christ’s mission of compassionate love, service, and justice in our community. The ministries are:
Father Pat’s Kitchen
Contact: Nikki Del Valle
- Team Leaders with a team of volunteers work together to prepare, cook, serve, bus tables, clean up meals for the people of our community.
- Volunteers are scheduled on a monthly bases for one of the following: Wednesday lunch, Thursday lunch or Saturday breakfast.
- Volunteers also assist patrons who “shop for free” from the food donated by local supermarkets.
Precious Deliveries Holiday Food Distribution
Contact: Kathy/John Morris
- Chairpersons oversee the program.
- Local families are adopted by Precious Blood of Christ Church for a year and receive bags of groceries (staples) and a Food Lion gift card (perishables) three times a year: Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
- Volunteers collect parishioner donations, sort donated foods, fill the bags and/or deliver to the families the Saturday before a holiday.
- Volunteers assist as their schedule permits.
Meals on Wheels
Contact: Jim Bowerman
- Meals are provided by Georgetown County and delivered to Pawley’s Island Rec Center for distribution.
- A Chairperson coordinates assignments.
- Volunteers deliver boxes of 5 prepackaged frozen meals to 8 local homebound, elderly and disabled residents in the communities of Pawleys Island, Murrells Inlet and Litchfield.
- Volunteers commit to deliver once a month on a Thursday morning (about 2 to 3 hours).
Teach My People
Contact: Jim Bowerman
- A Christ centered academically focused after school and summer program that nurtures and develops ‘at risk” students from First Grade through High School graduation and College.
- TMP holds sessions in at All Saints Church Monday through Friday 3:00 to 5:30pm.
- Volunteers help in one of the following activities: one-on-one tutors, assistants, math and reading enrichment tutors, holiday events, Friday skill lessons.
Adult Learning
Contact: Sue Cross
- Volunteer coaches provide free one-on-one assistance to patrons (mainly Spanish speaking adults) who need/want to improve their English language skills (reading, speaking, etc.)
- A Georgetown Library Intake Resource Person interviews potential patrons to evaluate their skills and needs.
- Volunteers are teamed with a specific patron and schedule their own meeting time and dates at the Georgetown Library.
- All coaching is conducted in English. No need to know another language.
- Training and resource materials are provided.
Elder Issues
Contact: Anne Boychuk
- A team of volunteers provide helpful programs, guest speakers and information regarding available resources to our parish community.
- Volunteers set up, welcome and cleanup for seminars and suggest future seminar needs.
- Volunteers answer questions and provide referral advice on agencies that offer medical, financial, transportation and other type assistance to the elderly.
- The Parish office refers parishioners with elder related questions to volunteers.
Respect Life
Contact: Gloria Dausch
- Promotes the dignity of human life through prayer, communication, and education.
- Provides material support for women facing unplanned pregnancies through organizations such as Birthright of Georgetown and Catholic Charities.
- Birthright offers nonjudgmental compassionate and loving support enabling women to carry their babies to term. Provides free confidential testing, answers questions on alternatives, and resources for adoption, prenatal care, nutrition, and medical care.
- Volunteers pray for life and support Birthright by helping at the Birthright site in Georgetown.
Church Gift Shop
Contact: Vonne Pannucci
- This not for profit service specializes in religious gifts, cards, literature, and devotionals for adults and children.
- Volunteers receive payments, stock shelves, provide guidance during the hours of operation after Wednesday’s daily mass and all weekend masses.
- Volunteers assist as their schedule permits.
Christmas Angel Tree
Contact: Renee Preedom or Karyn Congdon
- Chairpersons oversee the event.
- During Advent, parishioners take an angel with suggested clothing/toy from the Angel tree and purchase, wrap and return the gift by a designated date.
- Volunteers set up the Angel Tree, make and label the angels (type of gift, age of child, size), collect the gifts, sort gifts, and package the gifts for delivery.
- Gifts are distributed with the Christmas Precious Holiday Food Delivery bags.
School Backpack Drive
Contact: Renee Preedom or Karyn Congdon
- Chairpersons oversee the event.
- During June/July parishioners donate backpacks and school supplies to distribute to local school aged children.
- Volunteers label collection sheets with age, sex, grade level of a child and suggested specific school supplies or backpack.
- Volunteers sort donated articles to ensure each child receives a back pack with the appropriate supplies.
Fresh Xpress Farmers Market (in cooperation with Low Country Food Bank)
Contact: Linda Gray
- Chairpersons oversee the event.
- Fresh produce is distributed from our Church parking lot six Saturday mornings a year to local area residents.
- Volunteers set up and distribute the produce and assist with cleanup.
- Volunteers assist as their schedule permits.
Golf Tournament
Contact: Rita and Ben Foster or
- A Chairperson oversees the event.
- The tournament held in the fall at a local golf course raises funds in support of Precious Blood of Christ Outreach programs while giving golfers of all levels of expertise the opportunity to compete in teams.
- Volunteers work from summer to the event on one or more of the following: publicity, obtaining sponsor contributions, collecting prizes, arranging drinks, food and snacks, set up and clean up, scoring, etc.
Baskervill Food Pantry Collections
Contact: Mary Anne Fox
- Baskervill Food Pantry provides food to residents in need. Our parish is responsible for providing spaghetti sauce and pasta for the food pantry.
- Parishioners donate spaghetti sauce (NO glass) and/or boxes of spaghetti/pasta. Large baskets in the Church Narthex (on the right as you enter the church) collect the donations.
- Volunteers deliver these donations to the Baskervill Food Pantry once a week.
Habitat for Humanity
Contact: Linda Gray
- Habitat For Humanity(HFH) builds new homes for seniors and families and repairs existing homes of low income families. HFH runs the Re-Store in Georgetown.
- Volunteers provide skilled and unskilled labor in the areas of construction, carpentry, painting, plumbing, etc.
- Volunteers work at the Re-Store location.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Contact: or 843-839-0702
- Neighbor to Neighbor(N2N) works to ensure that seniors and adults with disabilities remain connected to their community by:
- providing rides to important appointments (N2N Rides)
- delivering pantry items (N2N Pantry)
- making wellness calls, or friendly phone calls (N2N Connect/Wellness Calls)
- providing home visits to spend quality time & assist with things around the house (Senior Companion Care)
- Virtual training opportunities are offered every week.
Enjoy a quick view into some of our our Outreach Ministries by clicking on videos below: