Parish Committee Heads
Parish Pastoral Council: Fr. Paul MacNeil
- Bi-monthly, Second Tuesday, 5:30 PM, October-June
Finance Council: Dave Posek
Choir Director: Andre Rakus
- Adult Choir: 6:30-6:00 PM, Tuesdays
- Children’s Choir: 4:00-5:00 PM, Thursdays
- Youth: 6:30-7:30 PM, Tuesdays
Columbarium: Terry Barrett (704) 906-6409
Education: Maureen Arneman
- Religious Education Classes for Youth
- Sundays, September-May
Pre-K through 5th Grades: 9:10—10:15 AM Sundays
- Sundays, September-May
- Edge: Grades 6-8:
- 9:00-10:15 AM Sundays
- Ignite: Grades 9-12
- 5:00 PM —7:00 PM Sundays
- All Youth: 6:00-7:30 PM Wednesdays
- Confirmation: 11:45 AM-1:00 PM Sundays
- RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): Jim Lampe
- Sundays 9:00 AM
Evangelization: Call the parish office 843-237-3428
Catholics Coming Home (Inactive Catholics): Call the parish office 843-237-3428
Fellowship: Brian & Cathy Borysewicz
Bereavement Group: Rick Yant, Michelle Koehler & Sue Fix
- 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 9:15 AM
Outreach: MaryAnne Fox
- Meets quarterly and as needed
Elder Issues: Anne Boychuk
Men’s Prayer Group:
- Jim Lampe Tuesdays 7:00 PM in Chapel
- Neil Fico Fridays 6:45 AM in Founders Hall
Prayer & Worship: Joanne Laudicina
- 3rd Tuesday, 2:00 PM, August-May
Respect Life: Gloria Dausch
Small Christian Communities: Elva Horlings
Stewardship: Ed & Keri Christovich
Women’s Club: Rita Foster, President
- First Thursday, 11:00 AM, September-June
Knights of Columbus: Tom German, Grand Knight
- Council Business, First Thursday, 7:00 PM
- Council Social, Third Thursday, 7:00 PM
Cursillo: Judy Clarke & Elizabeth Thomas
- First Monday, 7:00 PM
Birthright of Georgetown: 843-546-0833
Habitat for Humanity: 843-546-5685
St. Christopher’s Children: Kathy Binney – 843-235-8002
Safe Environment
Safe Environment Coordinator: Ellen Sullivan
Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services: 843-853-2130, extension 209
Diocesan Victim Assistance: 1(800) 921-8122