Safe Environment

Safe Environment Program at PBOC

Precious Blood is committed to ensuring a safe environment for our children and for upholding the “National Charter for the Protection of Children & Young People” as established by the United States Council of Catholic Bishops Safe Environment Program, as well as the Diocese of Charleston’s Policies and Procedures, revised in 2022.  To view the full document, go to: Office of Child and Youth Protection – South Carolina Catholic ( 

Mandatory training is required for all church personnel and volunteers who have access to children.  All training is designed to help recognize and prevent the sexual abuse of children. 

All adults who work with children must:

  • View and acknowledge the Virtus Protection of Children Video
  • Complete the Diocesan Virtus Background Check Process
  • Read, acknowledge and adhere to the Diocesan Code of Conduct contract.
  • Read and sign the DOC Sexual Abuse Policy and Procedures

For information on how to report an allegation of abuse, go to and click on “Sexual Abuse Policies and Procedures”, then click on “How to Report an Allegation of Sexual Misconduct by Church Personnel”.

Reporting an allegation:
To make a formal allegation of sexual misconduct call the Office of the Vicar General at  843-853-2130 ext. 209

Send written allegations to:
Diocese of Charleston
Office of the Vicar General
P.O. Box 818
Charleston, SC 29402

The Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister can assist individuals in presenting their allegations to the Office of the Vicar General. For assistance, contact the Victim Assistance Minister, Kristen Eyre, MSC, LISW-CP, at (843) 856-0748 or 1-800-921-8122 or by mailing her at: 119 Broad Street, Charleston, SC 29401

The Parish Safe Environment Coordinator is our Pastor’s Assistant/Parish Coordinator, Ellen Sullivan. You can contact her by calling the Parish Office or by email at: We encourage you to be aware of our parish program, and to feel free to suggest improvements and report any concerns you might have.

Prayer for Protection:

Dear Lord, We ask You to bless these Your holy people who have participated in the Church’s efforts to help stop the abuse of those among us who are most vulnerable. In particular, bless those who work to protect our children from sexual abuse. Open their hearts to Your call to be the “ears, eyes and voice of children and young people and vulnerable adults” everywhere. Give them the vision and grace needed to fulfill the special commitments that each of them has made to making their homes, churches, schools, communities and world a safer place for all God’s Children. Amen