1633 Waverly Road | Pawleys Island, SC 29585

(843) 237-3428


Precious Blood

Pawleys Island

Saturday Vigil Mass Time Returns to 5:00 PM

Please join us this Sunday, 10/9 at 4:00 pm outside in front of PBOC to pray a rosary for our church, world and nation. We will be praying in communion with tens of thousands of other prayer warriors across our nation!
Some updates related to the opening of our adoration Chapel:
Father Paul has decided to modify the weekly schedule- Adoration will now take place Monday through Thursday 9:00AM – 7:00PM
First Friday adoration will continue monthly in our main sanctuary 
Please check out on our parish website and sign up page – Eucharistic Adoration · Precious Blood Adoration, Pawleys Island, SC (weadorehim.com) 
We are in need of Substitutes and Adorers
Please consider signing up for a hour
 or signing up to be a substitute – 
We will be having an open house tomorrow – October 6th from 9:00AM – 4:30 PM 
Couple things to note for those attending adoration:
There are rest rooms available in our Church Narthex and PLC during office hours- Once the office and main church doors  close at 4:30 PM there will not be access to a rest room – please plan accordingly if you are an adorer scheduled for those later times 

Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Coverage

Fellow Parishioners,
We are blessed by a number of you who have made a commitment and signed up for an hour of adoration in our new chapel.
We are still in need of coverage for over 15 hours of adoration time.
Below are two simple links – one is a tutorial for the website We Adore Thee that we are using for our scheduling, and the second one is a direct link to our Parish sign-up site.
WE ARE FLEXIBLE! Please know you can always request a substitute if you have a planned event or an emergency during your scheduled weekly hour.
You can also sign up just to be notified when a substitute is needed.

Tutorial Video for New Adorers · We Adore Him

Due to expected inclement weather, we are canceling the Friday, September 30th open house of the Adoration Chapel.

“I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit” John 15: 1-8

“The Crown”

The Crown is the acclaimed Netflix series on the life and times of England’s Queen Elizabeth II.

A particularly revealing moment takes place in the first season of the series. Elizabeth’s father unexpectedly becomes king when his brother, Edward VIII, abdicates the throne in 1936. King George VI was revered by his people for his humility and courage in leading England through World War II. In 1952, George VI dies after a long battle with cancer, and he is succeeded by his 26-year-old daughter, Elizabeth. The young princess confides to her grandmother, the dowager Queen Mary, her fear that she is totally inadequate and unprepared to succeed her father, that she is terrified that the nation and commonwealth will not accept her as their queen.

The dowager queen tells her beloved granddaughter that to be king or queen is about service, service that is centered in God. The person and personality of Elizabeth, Mary explains, cedes to God’s greater good – the monarchy.

“Monarchy is God’s sacred mission to grace and dignify the earth,” the venerable queen explains to Elizabeth, “to give ordinary people an ideal to strive towards, an example of nobility and duty to raise them from their wretched lives. Monarchy is a calling from God. That is why you are crowned in an abbey, not a government building; why you are anointed, not appointed. It’s an archbishop that puts the crown on your head, not a minister or public servant. Which means that you are answerable to God in your duty, not the public.”

Queen Mary instructs her granddaughter that the crown she is about to take on is not about her but about her people; the crown is not just a form of government but a nation’s identity centered in God and the Gospel of Jesus. Jesus leaves a similar instruction to his disciples at the Last Supper: that whether we are a queen or a king or a poor farmer or shop owner, our lives are meant to manifest the goodness of God, that in all things and at all times we “remain” in Christ. As branches of Christ the vine, we are part of something greater than ourselves, something which transforms and transcends our unremarkable “smallness” to define the meaning and purpose of our lives.
(Connections, April 2018)

First Holy Communion will be held on the first Sunday in May. If you need a gift for someone receiving this sacrament we have a nice variety for both boys and girls. Small prayer/mass books, rosaries, cases, devotional jewelry, crosses, frames and beautiful greeting cards to commemorate this special day. Stop in after mass soon to see what we have and get the best selection. Any questions? Contact Vonne at vjpann@ mail.com (new address) or at 843-235-0455.

April 12, 2018

Due to the Easter holiday, this month’s Women’s Guild meeting will be moved to the second Thursday, April 12, at 11:00 AM in the PLC. Come early to sign in & sign up for activities. Reminder! We will be having a Baby Shower for Birthright at this meeting.